I Can’t Attend My 341 Hearing, What Should I Do?


You should contact your attorney quickly so that he or she can get in contact with the trustee in your case. You may also be permitted to have a person with intimate knowledge of your situation appear on your behalf if you are truly unable to attend, and have executed a power of attorney for this situation. You may also be able to appear at the hearing via telephone if the trustee would allow it, and the logistics have been completed well before the hearing. I have never had the need to utilize this myself, and would imagine that the ability to accomplish this would vary by the trustee’s level of trust given all of the circumstances surrounding your case. Your attorney should be able to give you sound answers after speaking with your trustee, contact him immediately. If you need an attorney in the Miami Valley contact Chris Wesner Law Office, LLC today. We offer a free consultation and have offices located in Troy, Piqua, Dayton, Springfield, and Xenia Ohio. Call 1 (937) 339-8001 or (855) 339-8001 TOLL FREE to arrange your visit. We look forward to seeing you.

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