Sometimes a person’s finances get out of control and they soon find themselves in a position where they can no longer afford to pay their debts. Bad things happen to good people all the time. Considering bankruptcy as a means to get relief is a possible alternative. Having a Springfield, Ohio bankruptcy attorney on your side should be your first step.
Chapter 7 bankruptcy was designed for individuals as a means to get relief from creditors. While there are many reasons why a person might consider the bankruptcy option, most likely it is no fault of their own. People lose their jobs or get divorced or run into some other kind of financial problem that they can’t seem to find their way out of. Turning to a qualified bankruptcy lawyer is the first step to ending the constant barrage of calls and letters from the creditors’ collection efforts.
If you are under the threat of lawsuits and harassed daily by creditors attempting to collect money that you simply don’t have, you might be the right candidate for chapter 7 bankruptcy. Remember that bankruptcy is an extreme remedy to financial problems. Making financial arrangements with creditors is always the best method. Sometimes, however, this just isn’t possible.
Once a bankruptcy has been filed, it’s possible that all individual debts are discharged and you are no longer be responsible for paying them. It’s possible to keep some assets. However, bankruptcy has long-lasting consequences that you need to consider closely before proceeding. Bankruptcy means that you might have trouble getting credit in the future. There can potentially also be a burden on future employment as well as carry a social stigma.
Bankruptcy procedures are complicated and the court system is unlike any other court. It is crucial that you have an experienced bankruptcy attorney to guide your case carefully. You need assurance that your debts are completely dissolved
Take the opportunity to sit down with one of our experienced bankruptcy lawyers and explore the possibilities and pitfalls of filing bankruptcy. If you feel like this is the best advisable move, contact us, we will handle your case with all of the due diligence and personalized care that you deserve.