OVI on Private Property Recently, we received a very interesting question about DUI/OVI in Ohio. The person has a very large piece of land and was inquiring whether or not they can receive a drunk driving charge if they were on private property. You may think this is a weird question, but there are many […]

If you live in Ohio and are concerned about driving violations and points on your license, you’re not alone. Fortunately, there are ways to get points taken off of your license so they don’t raise your insurance rates and cause you other problems. With the right help and information, you will have the opportunity to […]

Operating a vehicle impaired (OVI), driving under the influence (DUI), and driving while intoxicated (DWI) are all offenses relating to driving while under the influence of either alcohol or drugs. The state of Ohio does not use DUI or DWI acronyms. It now uses the OVI acronym in all cases of drug and alcohol impairment […]

Recent events in and around Ohio, including Dayton and Springfield, have cast doubt on the reliability of the machine used by law enforcement to determine if someone’s blood alcohol level is above the legal limit. The machine is called the “Intoxilyzer 8000” and it is manufactured by CMI Inc., an Owensboro, Kentucky company. Several Ohio […]